Wrestler must check in to Head Table before each match:
Wrestler must have singlet, head gear, wrestling shoes securely fastened (laces strapped or taped) and mouth piece if you have braces.

Each wrestler will be designated a color Red or Green and will strap on appropriate Anklet and shake hands prior to the start of the match

A Match consists of the 3 periods are 2 minutes.
Note: Most Tournament Consolation matches will be 1-2-2

Wrestling Mat Starting Lines
1st Period: Always starts in the Neutral Position
Neutral Starting Position: Each wrestler will place 1 foot on the Red or Green Line
Wrestlers will start in neutral position
2nd Period: Will start in either the Top, Bottom or Neutral positions
Referee flips Red & Green disk. Coin toss winner can choose
Top, Bottom, Neutral or Defer Choice

Bottom Man (Defensive Postion) Starting Position : On hands and knees with Hands in front of the Line and Knees Behind the Line

Top Man (Offensive Postion) Starting Position: 1 Hand on Opponents Belly Button and the Other Hand Covering the Opponents Elbow
Front Knee (the same one that covers the elbow) Must be on the Mat
Back Knee can be either up or down
Chin must be in center of Opponents Back

3rd Period: Will start in either the Top, Bottom or Neutral positions
Opposite wrestler will have choice of position
Top, Bottom, or Neutral

NEW OUT OF BOUNDS in 2024-25Beginning with the 2024-25 season, high school wrestlers will be inbounds with only one point of contact of either wrestler inside or on the boundary line.

Previously, high school wrestlers were considered to be inbounds if a total of two supporting points of either wrestler were inside or on the boundary line. The two supporting points could be two supporting points of one wrestler or one supporting point of each wrestler inside or on the boundary line.


Ways to win a match
By Fall/ Pin - The match is stopped when one wrestler holds both opponents shoulder blades on the mat for a 2 second count.

Technical Fall - The match is stopped after a fall. The match will also be stopped by technical fall if one opponent gains a 15 point advantage.

Superior Number Of Points - The wrestler with greater number of points at the conclusion of the 6 minute match.

Basic Ways to Score
MATCH POINTS – Points scored during a match. There are 6 basic ways to score match points in high school.

TAKEDOWN (NEW in 2024-25) T3 – 3 points – Awarded after one of the neutral wrestlers gets behind the opponent and forces them down to the mat to their stomach or side or knees or weight on all fours OR takes them directly to their back or buttocks without getting behind them and becomes the offensive wrestler. Neutral to Offense is a THREE point takedown. If you go from neutral to defense, you were taken down.

ESCAPE – E1 – 1 point – Awarded after the defensive wrestler gets out from underneath the opponent’s control and gets into the neutral position AND is facing the opponent. Defense to Neutral is a one point escape.

REVERSAL – R2 – 2 points – Awarded after the defensive wrestler gets out from underneath the opponent’s control and gets on top of and/or behind the opponent in one move and becomes the offensive wrestler. To earn a reversal, you do not have to return your opponent to the mat as you would on a takedown. Defense to Offense is a two point reversal.

NEAR FALL 2 – N2 – 2 points – Awarded after the offensive wrestler turns the defensive wrestler over onto their back and holds them at a 45 degree angle or less for between 2-4 seconds (2-4 counts by the referee). Also awarded when the match is stopped due to the defensive wrestler being injured and/or screaming out to stop the match (unethical unless they are really injured) while being turned toward their back (imminent near fall) before the near fall count starts or before 2 counts by the referee. Only one set of near fall points can be awarded for each pinning hold, and they cannot be awarded until after the pinning situation has ended. Defense on their Back.

NEAR FALL 3 (NEW in 2024-25) – N3 – 3 points – Awarded after the offensive wrestler holds the defensive wrestler within near fall criteria for 3 seconds in a row ( 3 counts by the referee).

NEAR FALL 4 (NEW in 2024-25) – N4 – 4 points – Awarded after the offensive wrestler holds the defensive wrestler within near fall criteria for 3 seconds in a row ( 4 counts by the referee (NEW in 2024-25).

PENALTY POINTS – P1 or P2 – 1 or 2 points – A wrestler in any of the three scoring positions can earn one or two penalty points when their opponent breaks the rules of wrestling. These rules include no stalling (one stall warning “S” is given before penalizing for stalling), no swearing, kicking, scratching, biting, hitting, body slamming an opponent to the mat, bending any body part beyond its normal range of motion (the referee will try to stop these situations as “potentially dangerous” before someone is injured), or using holds from the illegal holds’ list. On the penalty chart, any first penalty is 1 point. Any second penalty is 1 point. Any third penalty is 2 points. Any fourth penalty is disqualification. Unsportsmanlike conduct and flagrant misconduct can lead to immediate disqualification.
7-1. LOCKED HANDS PENALTY – A wrestler in the neutral position or defensive position can lock hands around the torso or both legs of the opponent. But it is a penalty for the offensive wrestler to lock hands (except cradles) around the torso or both legs of the defensive wrestler unless the opponent is standing on their feet or within a near fall count. Overlapping fingers is considered locked hands by the referee.

A link to a basic Wrestling Video


Print WR7 Minimum Body Fat PDF Form to be filled out by a physician and return to Coach Matt Avramidis